July 19, 2009

Flickan som lekte med elden

After reading the most exciting book of my entire 22-year old life – which ends with even more curiosity and even more questions that I need answers to. How could it end like that! The most thrilling part…

I cant wait for the next and third part of this trilogy – ”Stieg Larsson – Luftslottet som sprängdes. ”

You may think I’ve had a dull summer, and you may be right. In the last days of June I finished ”Män som hatar kvinnor” – and now I just finished the second part ”Flickan som lekte med elden”. However, what really bugs me is that I want the last book and you cant get it here – because I am in the middle of nowhere, and I would guess that they don’t have it in the original language, which is a necessity.

I’m afraid I would have to wait 9 more days until I get to Göteborg. I am seriously counting the days.

…In this godforsaken land I am in..

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