April 27, 2011

25 Dagars Utmaning!

25 days challenge! Why not? 

I keep telling myself to exercise more, eat more healthier, skip the coffee, so why not make the most out of it for 25 days? 

I got the inspiration from here, and here

The official day is May 3rd, until May 28th.

Let's do it together! Are you with me - individual goals, our own challenge, it's always easier supporting each other when it gets tough, which it most likely will be!

My main focuses will be on the work out itself - 5 days a week, with two days of rest, and in between bicycling 5 days a week for 2x20 min.

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - S-Core
Wednesday - BodyBalance 
Thursday - BodyCombat
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Zumba Fitness
Sunday - BodyPump

+ 200 min bicycling per week, to and from work. 

A lot of: fish and meat, cottage cheese, herbalife shakes, vegetables and fruit!

NO: refined suger, white flour, coffee or black tea. 

No food after 20 pm at night.

måndag - Vila
tisdag – S-Core
onsdag - BodyBalance
torsdag – BodyCombat
fredag – Vila
lördag – Zumba Fitness
söndag – BodyPump 
+ 200 min cykel per vecka, till och från jobbet.

Mycket: fisk och kött, cottage cheese, herbalife shakes, grönsaker och frukt!

Inget: raffinerat socker, vitt mjöl, kaffe, svart te,

Ingen mat efter kl 20 på kvällen


Stine said...

Crazy mama!! ;)

L V said...

Bli med da vel Stine, det er vel noe du vil challenge deg selv med ;)